My First Blog Ever

Hello to anyone who bothers to read this! I'm Emily and this is my blog about marketing takes and whether some advertisements are a good idea or not. I've never written any kind of blog before but I do love ranting about a mundane opinion for several paragraphs, so it should be fun! But before any of that, a little bit about myself.

If I had to describe myself in one word it would be friendly. I'm incredibly social and have always been good at meeting people. In a way, college has been a very successful venture for me due to all the people I've met. I'm currently a student in community college and I'm planning on majoring in merchandise design or simply marketing. I'm drawn to marketing because my favorite thing to do is to try to understand people. Marketing is a way to reliably make money off of that skill (ha ha). 

Of course, if I had it my way, I would go into my biggest passion in the world. Performing. I've always been musically inclined and acting has been a part of my life for nearly a decade now. I'm actually currently in a musical as of today! Performing is something I love to do and if it was reliable, that would be my dream job. Instead, marketing is a close second to me as it also includes a certain science and creativity that I find fascinating.

Another huge interest of mine is travelling. My personal motto is that life is too short to spend it hating your fellow people. Different cultures and countries are extremely interesting to me and I love learning languages. I think that many people write off other countries that they have perceived notions about instead of really learning about what those countries are like. I always want to learn about things before I judge them and understand that everywhere is different and incredibly unique. What makes sense in one country might be incredibly offensive in another. It's incredible to learn about and I think it's important for everyone to remember that no matter what country someone is from or what their heritage is, we are all people and there's no them, only us.

That kind of went off topic but this blog is meant for my marketing class! I look forward to creating critiques of certain marketing campaigns and analyzing big companies' decisions in what they choose to promote and how they promote it. Look forward to it!


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